Saturday, August 15, 2015

Seeing the finish line

I am actually in a good mood today, I must say. This will be a somewhat positive post, a bit of a rarity for me as most of mine are a tad melancholy and surreal. I mean every day has its ups and downs and I don't usually have only a good day as there are ugly moments, like now as this damn cough won't go away which I've had since June. But I've had blood tests, chest X-ray, ultrasound on my neck, chest listenings and prob a few other things (I love the NHS, I paid nothing) but nothing sinister is suspected. In the meantime I am taking a health powder supplement that my friend Shazia sells. It's supposed to restore our immune system and be some kinda magic health restorer. Ok. We'll see if it works. She swears by it and she's quite a serious person who says it fixed a lot of her health problems.

Today I apply for jobs. I need find something soon as this will determine where I spend the next chapter of my life. I am halfway done with the dissertation at 8,500 words and I think I will be done at the end of the month. I'd like to travel to Dublin for a weekend then go to see my parents for na decina di giorni (roughly ten days). But if I find a job before that I may be going directly there be it here, the Middle East, Italy or the USA. Those are my choices. In reality I see myself staying here or heading off to Oman or Saudi Arabia. I saw a job which pays SICK cash, and I applied with a response from them requesting my documents. I replied. But after having looked at the forums that talked and complained about this company on it might not be all it's cracked up to be and I remain doubtful as to the validity of the ad. Oh well, if it's as good as they claim that would nice but if not, there are other options out there.

So today, I take some free time from my dissertation and focus on myself and job hunting. I am happy though as this dissertation which I've dubbed "the monster" is not as tremendously as hard as I had predicted yet it is difficult. I still have to send off my sample work to my supervisor but I am confident she'll like it and won't suggest radical changes! She better not!

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Putting the past behind me......andiamo avanti.

I think one of the best parts of being an adult is allowing myself to put the past behind me. I used to deal with the past a lot worse than I do now. I've said goodbye to so many people, been through experiences, lived in different places that I've gotten used to I guess. Sure I miss certain things and certain people and I'd like to relive certain moments. But I have so many of them that I suppose I've reached a point where they either crush you (if you let them) and you're covered in sadness, or you let them help you to evolve to the point where you can throw it behind you and find the courage to look ahead.

Needless to say I am anxious to finish my dissertation which I am confident I'll get it done at the end of this month or at the latest the first week in September. I may go back to my parents house to finish it and if I don't find a job between now and Sept 12th which is when my lease is up at my room here at Aston. As for after I am leaning more towards staying here in England for many reasons. 1. I still don't care for America and I don't think I fit in there anymore. 2. The NHS, I want that publicly funded health care; I detest the US insurance companies which is an abomination at its core concept. 3. I am still here in Europe. 4. the UK despite its weather, is a more stabile country than the USA in my opinion. 5. I'd be here for my graduation in March. But I still may go to the Middle East for a year so I can save up and get experience, and then still come back here but unlikely i'd come back to Brum. Aston has been fine but it was only meant to be for a year to be honest.

I don't remember if I've posted this in past blogs, but once I get my own place and a proper job I want to undertake a few things. Salsa dancing, guitar, continue the gym, get into excellent shape, find a woman, get deeper into the Catholic faith, read the bible and lastly get involved with the church more. All in due time.